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Treatments You Can Trust


Permanently Reduce Fat In Stubborn Locations

Permanently reduce stubborn excess fat in areas throughout the body. Say good bye to stubborn love handles and muffin top.  Sculpt thighs and arms to better fit in your favorite clothing.

Lower Body


Sculpt Difficult to Treat Areas Using Heat

Eliminate muffin tops, love handles and saddle bags permanently without surgery or down time.  Refine an area, reduce cellulite or change  a pear shaped appearance to even proportions. This treatment is highly versatile and customizable.

Body Measurements


Let Technology Do the Work - No Need To Sweat For Those Abs

Emsculpt is a non-invasive procedure that produces powerful muscle contractions that remodel the inner structure of the muscle and reduce subcutaneous fat.  It essentially does the perfect contraction.  One would need to do 20,000 crunches in 30 minutes to achieve a similar result.  Emsculpt treatments have been shown to increase muscle mass by 15% while reducing subcutaneous fat by 15%.

Areas of Treatment:

  • Abdomen

  • Buttocks

  • Arms

Is it painful? Will I be sore?

Not at all.

Strong man with healthy and sculpted body


Get The Right Information To Achieve The Right Outcome

A truly private, customized consultation will be performed to determine what device will yield the right outcome in the desired location.  Years of experience will ensure optimal results.

Female Patient
Body Sculpting: Services
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